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A little bit about me.

Hi there, I am Caroline. I became a single mum over 5 years ago when my marriage ended at the age of 36. I'm from Armagh in Northern Ireland and my former husband is from Sydney, Australia. We were living in Australia when we separated and I made the difficult decision to return home to Northern Ireland just less than a year later. I have two beautiful daughters aged 8 and 6.

This put me in a challenging situation as I didn't have a co-parent to share the care of my children. Though he does see them for at least one 2 week visit every year. I know many women are doing this with no support from the father of their kids and to be fair I was the one who chose to move.

At first I was devastated at the prospect of being a single mum. I was certainly entertaining the victim role but I was also deeply saddened that my girls wouldn't get the traditional family model to grow up in. Did you know 1 in 8 women between the age of 18-60 across the globe is a single mother? (according to a Gallup study 2014-18). Once I realised I am not the first or the last this would happen to things began to shift.

Fast forward 5 years and I have what I believe is a wonderful life. Don't get me wrong it's still tough at times (like when a global pandemic rolls up) but I have shaken off the victim mentality and now have the intent to have an extraordinary life and to share some of the mistakes (I'll have many to choose from!)and lessons I've learned. More than anything if I can help a few fellow mamas along the way I would be over the moon.

I will be posting little pieces as often as I can and will be creating a guidebook online for the steps I took to get where I am now. Feel free to subscribe and I will keep you updated lady!


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